Acne Free Help, your gateway to acne free, control and treatment information.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Acne DOs and DON'Ts

Acne DOs and DON'Ts
by: Natalie Katsman

Every little thing counts when it comes to fighting acne and keeping it under control. After all, zits are not that big themselves, they just bug us in a big way. We don't always realize that seemingly insignificant things can help us look better (or worse, depending on what they are), while intentionally following myths, we do more harm than good to the skin.

Here are a few things to consider if you don't want to see those pimples pop up.


= Clean your face twice a day. Use a cleanser that is designed for your skin type and avoid harsh and irritating products. When cleaning your skin and rinsing it with water (make sure to use plenty!), move from the neck to the hairline - that way you are not likely to spread hair build up over your face, as it can aggravate acne.

= If you work out and sweat, clean your face after you exercise.

= Use a moisturizer for your skin type. Even if your skin is oily, don't ignore this important part of your daily routine. Your skin needs protection. Overdrying your skin will not do any good: on the contrary, the oil glands will start working even harder.

= Choose cosmetics made for your skin type.

= Use products with fruit acids. They help to shed old skin cells and prevent pore clogging. You are not likely to see the results overnight, but be patient and stick to the treatment - you will be pleasantly surprised.

= Protect your skin from wind and harsh environment as they make skin prone to infections.

= Shampoo your hair regularly. Oil glands on your scalp produce the same sebum as those on your face. Add hair care products residues and environmental elements that stick to your hair - and you have a super-effective acne causing solution.

= Drink lots of water to clean your body of toxins and keep your skin hydrated from the inside.

= Take vitamins and eat a healthy diet. People who suffer from acne often don't get enough vitamin A in their diets (you may want to consult your doctor about that since large doses of vitamin A can be toxic). Zinc supplements are known to fight acne outbreaks. Healthy eating is good for all parts of your body. While diet changes alone won't spare you of acne, they will help your skin look better.

= See a doctor if your acne is severe.


= Don't use drying cleansers and harsh scrubs. They destroy the protective barrier and alter skin pH, making skin vulnerable and prone to infections. Astringents should be used on oily areas only.

= Don't squeeze zits. This is the worst thing to do, and for many the hardest to avoid. Still, if you don't want to aggravate the condition, don't pick on your pimples. You can, however, drain them with a sterilized needle once they are mature.

= Don't scratch or rub your skin. Sometimes rubbing can cause zits on otherwise clear complexion. You may want to experiment if you are brave enough, otherwise try to keep your hands off your face and avoid wearing hats, helmets or bands that may cause unpleasant surprises.

= Don't tan. Even though tan will mask the blemishes, the effect is temporary. Excessive sun exposure can aggravate acne. Many over-the-counter and prescription acne products make your skin sensitive to sun. In addition to causing skin dehydration and premature aging, UV rays destroy cells responsible for skin's immunology

Acne Control The Natural Way!

Acne Control The Natural Way!
by: Kirsten Hawkins

Want to get rid of those zits in your face but you are currently low on budget? How about looking for acne control to avoid the sudden appearance of acne in your skin? So how do we do this?

First, what is acne? Acne is a skin disorder caused by the hormones action on the oil glands of the skin which is called the sebaceous glands. The excretion of oils from this glands can lead to congested skin pores. This is when acne occurs. The face, neck, chest, back and shoulders is where the glands are most profuse, that is why most acne are found on this locations. People who are with this kind of disorder often tends to be depressed, and humiliated.

There are a lot of factors that can generate acne to transpire. First is our Genes. Genetics can't be changed but other factors like our daily routine and the way we take care of our skin can be improved to make acne control no problem at all. Don't feel so sad about your acne because there's lots of things you can do. This acne control tips will help you say bye-bye to those zits.

1. Include Fruits and Vegetables in your daily Diet. A healthy diet consists of at least four to five servings of fruits and vegetables. Acne control will be a lot easier if you start including this in your daily habit.

2. Rose water can be used as a facial cleanser. Dipped in a cotton, clean your face using this everyday for at least two to three times each day.

3. Don't wait for your pimples to form. If you see a bit of it in your face, do something. Acne control is best done early. Pat some ice on the affected area for this will make it less swollen.

4. Acne control is easier when accompanied with multivitamins. Start taking vitamins that contains zinc supplement. Zinc helps in making your skin stronger and acne resistant.

5. Cucumber can help in acne control. Blend it with some water to form a mask. Put it in your face and leave it for about half an hour before rinsing it off. This is a good and affordable acne control remedy that can also refresh your skin.

6. Use only mild soaps and avoid soaps that contains petroleum based products and animal based ingredient for this causes your skin to get dry and irritated.

7. Using alcohol free facial cleansers makes Acne control trouble-free. Alcohol tends to dry your skin more.

8. Makeup also prompt the occurrence of acne. Choose your makeup wisely. Most of the makeup available contains petroleum based ingredients that makes skin dry. An all natural makeup helps acne control become more effortless.

9. Lastly, Drinking loads of water is very important. It flushes out the dirt in our body, Making acne control more natural.

Now you have a list of some helpful tips in acne control. It is your choice if you are to do these methods. There are lots of ways in acne control, be it naturally or by technology. Skin products are always around for you to pick your choice. The thing is, these products are very costly. If you are the innovative type of person, better try this methods in acne control. It is all natural and wont do any harm in your body. No side effects of course! Plus, you can really save a bunch out of this. There's no harm in trying! Saying goodbye to those acne is just a step away!

About the Author: Kirsten Hawkins is a freelance writer specializing in skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Visit for more information on acne and acne treatments.

A Natural Approach To Managing Acne

A Natural Approach To Managing Acne
by: Dr. Rita Louise

Almost everyone has suffered from acne at one time or another in his or her lives. It is primarily a disorder of the sebaceous gland (glands in the skin that secrete an oily substance) of the face, the neck and back. When the sebaceous glands become clogged with the oily substance they create, the accumulation results in pimples. There are several forms of acne, but the most common is acne vulgaris, found primarily in adolescents.

The exact cause of acne is not known, but factors that contribute to this condition include heredity, oily skin and androgens. Additional factors include allergies, stress, the use of certain drugs, nutritional deficiencies, liver dysfunction, exposure to industrial pollutants, cosmetics and the monthly menstrual cycle.

In addition, the skin functions to eliminate a portion of the body’s toxic waste by sweating. If the body contains more toxins than the kidneys or liver can effectively discharge, the skin takes over. In fact, some doctors call the skin the 3rd kidney. As toxins escape through the skin, they can disrupt the health and integrity of the skin, creating issues.

Recommendations for Wellness

Note: Some of these recommendations may take 2-4 weeks before any results or improvements are experienced.

Apply distilled white vinegar (can be diluted if too strong) to the face and affected areas. Allow this to sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off with cool water.

Lemon or any citric fruit works great as a natural exfoliate, removing dead skin cells that may clog the pours. As with the white vinegar, apply the juice of a lemon (or desired citric juice) to the face. Allow it to dry for about 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water. You may feel a mild sting or burn when the lemon juice is applied. If so, diluting the juice is acceptable.

Increase water consumption. Water helps flush toxin out and help transport nutrients in the body.

Eat a properly balanced diet to ensure proper nutrition.

Take a high quality multiple vitamin and mineral supplement to make up for nutrients missing in today’s foods.

Echinacea or Oregon grape can be used to boost the immune system and fight acne-causing bacteria.

Dandelion, Burdock or red clover can help to keep the liver clear of toxic overload.

Herbal combinations such as Natures Sunshine's Ayurvedic Skin Detox and BP-X can also be used to cleanse and detoxify the liver and reduce acne.

Historically, large quantities of vitamin A have been successfully used to treat severe acne. Large amounts, however, can be toxic and should be used when working with your health care provider.

Consider adding additional zinc to your diet. Zinc aids in the healing of tissues and assists in preventing scarring. It is also important for the body in resisting infection and inflammation.

To clear and heal the skin, try a homeopathic Acne remedy. It can help to dry up pimples & prevent future outbreaks

Do you suffer from a chronic medical condition that defies diagnosis? Do you feel “stuck” or dissatisfied with life? Whether it is a physical problem, an emotional issue, a problem at work or a problem in a relationship, medical intuitive, Dr. Rita Louise, Ph.D. can help you bring health, healing and wholeness back into your life. You can find Dr. Louise at

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Look at Laser Acne Treatment

A Look at Laser Acne Treatment
by: Dave Lavinsky

Laser acne treatment has been around for a few years now, and it is quickly replacing more traditional forms of acne removal and prevention. As antibiotics become increasingly ineffective due to overuse, more and more people are opting for this new technique. During laser resurfacing, a doctor holds a laser pen just above the acne or acne scar tissue and waves the concentrated beam of light back and forth, vaporizing only the unwanted tissue and creating a new surface for skin cell growth. Thus the term “laser resurfacing”. New collagen actually forms after laser treatment. (Collagen is a protein in the skin's connective tissue that helps give the skin its texture.)

Although laser resurfacing is safe and painless in almost all cases, some post-procedural bruising and swelling are normal. In most cases, these side effects persist for seven to ten days. Wait until this passes before applying make-up.

Currently there are no federal restrictions on who can perform laser resurfacing; regulations only affect the laser manufacturers themselves. There are many types of lasers for many different purposes, so be sure to use a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Be sure to ask where your doctor was trained to use the laser equipment and whether your doctor rents or owns his or her laser equipment. Ask to see before and after pictures of the doctor's cases, and find out how many different types of lasers the doctor owns and how often each piece of equipment is used.

Many doctors feel that laser resurfacing isn’t meant for dark skin because it alters the color of skin too dramatically and unpredictably. Others believe that in the hands of a very experienced surgeon, people with darker skin tones can benefit.

Lasers acne treatment is much more invasive than non-ablative lasers. They remove by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization. Ablative lasers are not recommended for use on darker skin colors.

Laser resurfacing costs upwards of $2,500 for a full face, versus $1,000 for other types of scar and acne removal. Consult with an experienced aesthetic dermatologist and laser surgeon to determine what it best for you. Acne Treatment provides detailed information on the best acne treatments, including laser acne treatment, and scar treatment, as well as adult, natural, home treatment, and more. Acne Treatment is the sister site of Microdermabrasion Web.

3 Easy Ways to Treat Body Acne!

3 Easy Ways to Treat Body Acne!
by: Venkata Ramana

Are you suffering from Body acne? or Zits below the neckline? Don't worry. You are not alone! Lot's of teen get body acne. It is common in the winter months, when you are wearing piles of heavy clothing.

Sweat can clog skin pores and lead to breakouts all over. Other things that can cause body acne are tight fitting clothing ( It traps sweat against the skin, leading to clogged pores and blemishes) stress and hormones. Body acne commonly pops up on the chest and back.

Ø To zap body acne and prevent it from coming back, you can wash your body daily with a salicylic acid based cleanser. Look for this ingredient on product labels.

Ø Shower daily and be sure to shower as soon as possible anytime you have been sweating - such as after playing sports, working outside or just being in the sun. After your shower, you can follow up by a body moisturizer that contains Alfa Hydroxy acid. This will exfoliate skin and help prevent breakouts, without drying skin out.

Ø At Nighttime you can treat body acne just like facial acne, by applying an acne zapping gel or cream at the effected parts.

Ø If your body acne is particularly bad and wont respond to this treatment after about a month, you will probably need to see a dermatologist.

Venkata Ramana is a Fitness Enthusiast and a Professional Body Builder. Visit his and websites and gain maximum Information to stay fit and healthy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

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